Saturday, 15 April 2006

Aerial Fortress!

I met an interesting chap in the mess (called Bernard) who invited me to accompany him on an inspection of the aerial forts currently deployed around Spithead and the Fleet anchorage. Marvellous contraptions those! Certainly enough to give Jerry or the Frogs a bit of 'what for' should they ever poke their weasley snouts accross the Channel!

Mateen posted this fantastic CGI over at the Brigade Forums (click for a larger image) and kindly allowed me to post the image here. You can see more of his fantastic Steampunk CGIs here:

The cgi model he made is based on the Aeronef Aerial Battery model Brigade is developing in a series of aerial forts and redoubts - I cant wait to see them in production. You can see them in the design pages here:

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