Friday, 26 January 2007

French Dino-Hunters

or I should say "Chasseur De Dinosaur"!

From Algiers to Paris to Indo-China, Frenchies come to hunt the biggest and most exciting game of all !

très magnifique!

(You'll need Babel Fish to translate the text, but the pics look like a cracking good time!)


  1. I did not bother with Babel Fish. I just looked at the pictures. The one thing I found the most interesting was the two croup shots. They could have been a group from any game store I have been to. We gamers are alike world round. :-)

  2. We sure are!

    I think you'll be interested to hear thatI got my 15mm TUSK packs today from Nic at Eureka Miniatures (which he makes under licence from Irregular Miniatures) - both the Caveman and Sir Harry packs. Naturaly, I'll post a review in due course!

  3. Good to hear. And you are right, I will be most interested to hear both what you think about the figures and how they stack up against other 15mm stuff.


  4. Have a look on :
    TMP at
    It is about rules for Victorian Dinosaur Hunting !

  5. Thanks for your post!
