Friday, 2 February 2007


Le Grand Courses Des Aérostats!

The page may be a few years old, but its darn impressive !

Walt, of 'Le Grand Cirque' fame, is responsible, saying:

"This page contains a few images (courtesy of and thanks to Bill Rutherford) of the Balloon Racing game event put on by Walt O'Hara at COLD WARS 2003. This was a NOVAG event, held in our NOVAG club room (New Holland?). LGCd'A is a game of chaos, for the most part. Players take the part of balloon pilots in the first running of the Coup Gordon Bennett, a prestigious international balloon race that has been held annually since 1901. The mechanics are pretty simple-- cards tell you what the wind (or other players) are doing to your balloon, cards tell you when you activate, and cards tell you what terrain is coming up next. The course was held on a "rotating conveyor belt" of terrain boards that gradually moved down the course. The race was two 'legs' of six boards. Terrain features were all in two dimensions (mostly these were obstructions, like a mountain, hills or a volcano, but some terrain can change altitude as well).

SUMMARY: The game was a hoot to run and I think people enjoyed themselves. I am working on ways to speed up and streamline a few design points that were clumsy. I will run this at HISTORICON 2003."

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