Sunday, 4 March 2007

The Sleath Mars Patrol Report


German marines, steam powered landships, heroes riding sand lizards, dreaded Martian beasties, and deadly crystal forests- this game has it ALL!

All this by Robert Sleath of the "The Dortmund Amateur Wargamers" - Huzzah!
Notes regarding photos / pictures: These are not all my images. I am using various images from around the web, mostly from public sources and/or private sources used with permission. I have tried to include only images under public domain, creative commons, or fair use. If I have inadvertently violated any copyrights, please inform me and I will remove your image/s (if it is indeed an infringement).


  1. Hi Tas,

    The photo in the post had corrupted so I fixed it for you.

    I also highy recommend using a legal statement of responsibility if you are going to use images from the Internet. I still post it even if I have explicit permission from the image owner. The only time I don't post it is when I exclusively use photos that I have taken.

    Thanks for the great post and...

    All the best to you and yours!


  2. Thnaks for the housekeep assistance Maks, that photo corruption has been happening a lot lately for some reason...

    Good idea, I shall post a general disclaimer on one side so it applies to the whole Blog.

  3. Hi Tas,

    E-mail me later and we can try and figure out why your photos are corrupting. I have a theory...

