Thursday, 22 March 2007

Professor Longfellow's Field Guide to Badly Painted Dinosaurs

That saucy scientist Professor Priscilla Longfellow has published an account of her incredible Camp Cretaceous. Filled with great steroscopic images of her specimens, it is guaranteed to give you a good idea of what you are going after before you see it through a gunsight!

Prof. Longfellow poses in front of her prize Brachiosaurus at Camp Cretaceous. Pic from Professor Longfellow's Field Guide site.

Good show Professor. Perhaps we could chat more about your adventures over dinner eh?!

1 comment:

  1. I had a nice message this weke from Gerard, Professor Longfellows's personal assistant:

    "Dear Paul,
    Your site is absolutely gorgeous! From layout to graphics, to contents, it's a real treat and a genuine pleasure to visit. I will be dropping by your site often, there is so much going on there!

    I'd love to link to your site! My friend Kenneth, who is Professor Longfellow's very talented photographer, plans on doing another photo shoot in a couple of weeks. I hope to have links to your site, and to the Yahoo! Groups "Cave Wars" and " Lost World Safari" then."

    Thanks very much for the kind words Gerard, I look forward to seeing your site develop. Please pass my warmest regards to Professor!
