Tuesday, 28 August 2007

Royal Greenwich Observatory photographs total Lunar Eclipse

Astronomy was a popular and important part of Victorian science, and British astronomers carried telescopes and spectroscopes to remote areas of India, the Great Plains of North America, and islands in the Caribbean and Pacific to watch the sun eclipsed by the moon. Of course escorting these puffed up windbags was an onerous task of any Officer, but it did at least provide an excuse to fish about for a bit of exotic skirt eh?!
Take this chap for instance, a Frog named Jules Janssen. Professor of Science at the University of Paris, and an enthusiastic observer of eclipses. Between his lecturers and his in-depth research in the field of chronophotography, he could be a bit dry.
Fortunately, Lunar Eclipses are far more convenient and extensive travel is not necessary. Thus we didnt get stuck with the likes of cranky old Janssen today.
Indeed this very evening this image was taken from one's own front yard whilst sipping a fine cognac. Appropriate give this week's focus on Astronefs and "Le Voyage dans la Lune"

I looked carefully, but didnt see any Green flashes....

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