Saturday, 3 November 2007

Special Moments

For once, this is not a VSF post. Instead, I would like to share a special wargaming Dad moment.

I have been trying to get hold of some if the great WW1 Wings of War minis (1/144 scale) but they are rather scarce. Then along comes a top bloke called Luis, aka Cuban Commissar, who buys some from his local shop and ships them to me (thanks again mate!). When they arrived this week my 6yr old son helped me open the box. He pulled out one and said:

"This looks just like Biggles's Sopwith Camel!"

And indeed he was holding a Sopwith Camel! What a proud moment for a wargaming Dad :-)


  1. Tas said: And indeed he was holding a Sopwith Camel! What a proud moment for a wargaming Dad :-)

    I had a similar one with my son at about that same age, be very happy!
    You know that same son now 23 on
    my blog as La Coloniale....)

  2. Hi Tas,

    I'm always happy to hear that you're getting the most out of life the right way, with your family!

    Good for you!


  3. Good stuff!

    Sounds like he is getting off on the right foot.

  4. Thanks guys- that means a lot from from you fellahs! I see it as developing my future opponent :-)
