Sunday, 8 February 2015

Captain Darling's exploits in the antipodes

I have just spied this VSF blog by fellow antipodean Captain Darling.  Of particular interest is his 28mm campaign "The Russians are coming!" following the Tsar's villainous enterprise to expand his corrupt empire by capturing the Imperial Colony of South Australia - the cheek!
"This picture purports to be the Russian invasion fleet soon after departing St Petersburg"
4 Battalions of veteran Russian troops from the Russo-Turkish wars supported by Cossacks have now landed.  Meanwhile, a squadron of Armoured Cruisers and a ironclad turret ship support them from seaward.  Can the South Australian forces repel them? Will reinforcements from the other colonies reach them in time before the Russians can consolidate?  I will be watching with great interest!

Portrait of Captain Darling
Actually, I am delighted to see this as it is very similar to something I had in mind based on the Victorian colony's almost obsessive fear with a Russian Invasion - see here.  Coupled with the Eureka stockade rebellion, there are wargaming opportunities aplenty!  I have copious notes from historical archives and plans to do this in 2mm for a combined Aeronef/Land Ironclads campaign.  One day...

1 comment:

  1. Hey Paul,
    Just saw this, thanks for checking out the Blog and the great 'plug'...
    Cheers Pete
