Thursday, 28 December 2006

Lost World Safari Tours!

Ever wanted to hunt big game?

REALLY Big Game?

Game that can outrun you, squash you and gobble you all up in 2 mouthfulls?

Well this is the Safari adventure for you!

Swill gallons of wine and brandy in the company of short lived friends as you tour the jurassic throwback of the Lost Valley. You'll REALLY have a talking point trophy in your Dining Room at home afterwards (if you live).

So go grab the biggest gun you can find, hire some luggage bearers and contact Lost World Safari tours here:

This group isn't devoted to any one game system, more the Dino Hunting genre in general, from the VSF to Pulp era.

1 comment:

  1. Boss - if you are interested in having a look here is my Dino hunting group i started years ago (including play test rules).
    It hasnt been active in a while now though.
