Tuesday, 4 March 2008

Khedive commits to Arms Race!

Mssr Hooper (of the lovely Aeronef site http://web.mac.com/phooper/Aeronef/Aeronef_Menu.html) sent me an ethergram today:

His most Royal Highness the Khedive of Egypt has commanded me to inform you that he has commissioned a new fleet of Digs and Aeronefs to be built at the shipyards of Broome and Co of Great Yarmouth in the county of Norfolk UK. These ships will be built and launched within the next 75 days as the Khedive has determined that the small Turkish fleet can no longer be relied upon to defend Egypt and all her treasures. Interim reports will be issued every seven days.

My Goodness - another threat unleashed upon the unsuspecting Med...renewed pressure upon Malta is certain. We shall look forward to the weekly updates with great interest!

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