Sunday, 28 December 2008

Bog-a-Ten battle pics

Pijlie has posted pics from a recent Bog-a-Ten battle here:

lovely terrain and figs - great stuff!

Wednesday, 24 December 2008

I'm dreaming of a white wine sauce Christmas- again!

Best Wishes for a very Merry Christmas to All!

May your cup runeth over...and keep running!

Tuesday, 23 December 2008

More LI from Brigade

We're releasing five new Land Ironclads today - three British and two German.
In addition, there are three new Battalion packs and we've slightly rejigged the contents of the existing two packs to make them balance slightly better.
VLI-102 Imperator class LI £2.00
VLI-105 Brunel class LI £0.75
VLI-107 General class LI £2.50
VLI-302 Loweherz class LI £2.50
VLI-304 Fuchsherz class LI £1.00
VLIP-102 British Light Battalion £13.00
VLIP-103 British Heavy Battalion £34.00
VLIP-302 German Medium Battalion £20.00
And of course the Xmas sale is still running, so for another week and a bit you can get 15% off these and everything else (except for Celtos, which has 25% off).
Finally, if anyone has had a problem with the website shopping cart reporting 'incorrectly formatted' items, this has been fixed. Merry Xmas !

Thankyou kind Sirs!

Wednesday, 17 December 2008

Primitive Tents and Dwellings

Sorry for the lack of regular updates recently. It seems the toll of festoive social activities and a few mountaineering expeditions have taken more toll than expected!

Regardless of that, these rather spendid 28mm Neanderthal style tents have come on the market - Bravo!

Friday, 12 December 2008

A Young Mad Scientist's First Alphabet Blocks

As Christmas approaches, you might be searching for something special for a nephew displaying early charateristics of megalomania and a penchant for science. These will surely set him on the right track to a bright future as a mad scientist!

A complete list of the images represented by the letters is as follows:

A - Appendages

B - Bioengineering

C - Caffeine

D - Dirigible

E - Experiment

F - Freeze ray

G - Goggles

H - Henchmen

I - Invention

J - Jargon

K - Potassium

L - LaserM - Maniacal

N - Nanotechnology

O - Organs

P - Peasants (with Pitchforks)

Q - Quantum physics

R - Robot

S - Self-experimentation

T - Tentacles

U - Underground Lair

V - Virus

W - Wrench

X - X-Ray

Y - You, the Mad Scientist of Tomorrow

Z - Zombies

Available here:

Tuesday, 2 December 2008

Brigade Models Christmas Sale

Ho Ho Ho! The boys at Brigade say:

So what does the Brigade cracker have in her stockings for you this year ... ?

15% off

Yep that's 15% off all of our models - Aeronef, starships, Land Ironclads, 15mm and 6mm tanks, Iron Stars, WWI Belgians ... all except Celtos, where we're being even more generous ...

And that's it - no minimum or maximum orders, just a blanket discount for the whole of December. So what are you waiting for, get shopping !?

The website will still show the full price of each item, but the price that goes into the PayPal shopping cart will be the discounted one.

There are just a few exceptions and conditions, as you might expect ... percentage shipping rates will still be charged at the full item cost, since we were unable to persuade the post office to match our offers ! The discount covers our metal and resin models - it doesn't apply to rulebooks, dice, bases, game mats or anything else that we don't manufacture ourselves, simply because the margins on those items are much tighter. However, starter packs with rules, dice or bases in are covered. Even with these limitations, we're sure you'll agree it's a mighty fine offer !

thankyou gents!

Monday, 1 December 2008

An exploration of debauchery, vice and other reasons to be a man!

An exploration of debauchery, vice and other reasons to be a man!