Massed warriors (around 350 of them)- how a Zulu Impi should look! |
This is a post some 24 years in the making. Some time ago I quite enjoyed Colonial gaming and the Zulu War was my conflict of choice. Some mates and I put together armies in 15mm and had a great time. Early in 1994 I had a major life change and the figs were packed away. I've since moved house some 18 times and the figs have remained unopened; the awful noises that came from the box made me shy away. Then last week when there was interest at the club about doing some Colonial gaming and I realised I (might) have all the figures. Depending on how they fared at least.
Here is what greeted me once I plucked up the courage to open the Zulu Box...
The Horror... The Horror... |
And after 23 years this was the sum total of damage - other than bent spears and knoberries which needed reshaping
The vast majority of these figs, if not all, are from Essex 15mm colonial range
Usuthu!!! |
I love the warrior in the bottom right corner wearing a captured British flag as a trophy! |
And if one of going to cross the Buffalo River into Zululand, you need some terrain to fight over right?
Semblance of a small veldt hamlet named after an Irishman |
British tentage and a Kraal |
Next Up: The British and their Boer allies.