Monday, 14 March 2011

Burpa Revolt Footage

What ho chaps! I was browsing the old Babbage Machine after a bit of tiffin and came across this chronophotographic footage of the recent Burpa rebellion involving my old fag from Eton, Sidders. Looks like he managed to fight the bally Pandees off with the brave lads of the Third Foot and Mouth. Jolly good show what?!


DLI said...

Always makes me laugh this film,oh should I admit that?Its not very PC.

Don M said...

Never saw this! OMG! and down with PC I say!

The Angry Lurker said...

This is brilliant, always loved this movie and this scene.

David Manley said...

Classic! Devils in skirts indeed :)

John A.S. said...

This is such a classic! love it
following this, keep up the good blogging mate!

taio said...

excelent blog

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An exploration of debauchery, vice and other reasons to be a man!