Monday, 5 March 2007

Aurora McFly

Vanvlak has been busy adding to his retinue of aeronefs once again...bless 'im!

"There she blows again - the Aurora McFly!

The Aurora McFly belongs to Prof Emmett Brown, the noted time traveller, who prefers not to get involved with arms and suchlike and live a quiet life with his Clara and their kids, but always ends up in all sorts of astounding intrigues and adventures. Mostly involving various generations of McFlys and Tannens - the notorious VonTannen in particular."

Vanvlak made this using two turrets from a GW Impertor titan from their epic range. I really like it beause she looks like the Disney version of the Nautilis.

Well done old bean!


Zophiel said...

That is utterly spectacular. If I knew how to paint that well, not to mention what parts the ship's is built from, I'm reasonably certain such vessels would make up the bulk of my anarchist fleet.

A true accomplishment in engineering!

Paul O'G said...

No one puts em together from scratch like V!

An exploration of debauchery, vice and other reasons to be a man!

An exploration of debauchery, vice and other reasons to be a man!