Sunday, 9 December 2007

Carnivorous Plants

I'm currently scanning for some vegetative nasties to inhabit Venus/the Lost World/Skull Island etc

Here are some nice looking ones from the Wargames Supply Dump and at 1pund each the price is nice enough to make a small forest of them! Though there are 25mm scale, who says carnivorous trees have to be small? So these would be quite acceptable carnivorous trees for my 15mm Dinosaur Hunters

HLBS also sells some man-eating plants, this time Triffids (shown here) and again in 28mm. Watch out or that stinger could knock over one's crystal decanter!

Any more out there? I know Amourcast used to do some lovely ones in resin but they are sadly now discontinued...


Paul O'G said...

I started a thread at TMP to get some extra links too:

RobW said...

I have a multiples of most of the Armorcast line, still unpainted. I bought them to use with my Tyranids years ago, but I have been getting out of 40k, so I don't have as much use for them now. I was planning on putting them on eBay at some point, but have not gotten around to it yet. I can dig them out and send you some pictures if interested.

Paul O'G said...

G'day Rob - I'm very interested! Please drop me a line at


An exploration of debauchery, vice and other reasons to be a man!

An exploration of debauchery, vice and other reasons to be a man!