Sunday, 21 April 2013

Dynamite Gun Cruiser

In reading Angel of the Revolution, I came across a type of vessel I hadn't encountered before: the Dynamite Gun Cruiser.

The USS Vesuvius was a one of a kind experimental vessel commissioned in 1890.  She was fitted with three fixed elevation compressed air launchers which were aimed by physically turning the ship, and lobbed explosive charges.  In theory she could lob 30 charge in 30 minutes, giving a rate of fire, and a net explosive effect, significantly greater than any other vessel.

Vesuvius saw action in the Spanish American War, joining the Cuban blockade in 1898 and conducting a number of shore bombardments.  While the local Commander claimed she had 'great effect' a planned follow up vessel was never built as more conventional weapon technology overtook pneumatic weapons and made them redundant.


Michael Awdry said...

What a great looking ship, fabulous find.

A J said...

I'd heard of the dynamite gun, but didn't know how it worked. An oddball idea that actually seemed to work in practice. The projectile isn't that far removed from some modern ordinance. Thanks for sharing.

An exploration of debauchery, vice and other reasons to be a man!

An exploration of debauchery, vice and other reasons to be a man!