Saturday, 27 April 2013

Leviathan Rising: Redux

They say worse things happen at sea, and they do indeed for dandy adventurer and servant of the throne Ulysses Quicksilver as he (and his faithful manservant Nimrod of course) enjoy the maiden voyage of the luxury submersible cruise liner Neptune.

Mssr Blease has commented on this book here before but I add my own commentary, some years later it must be admitted, as I am thoroughly enjoying this great series.

Leviathan Rising is a wonderful combination of the 20,000 Leagues under the Sea, Murder on the Orient Express and The Poseidon Adventure.  It will keep you on the edge of your chesterfield and in danger of spilling your cognac the whole way though.  Mystery, underwater cities, intrigue, giant beasties, conspiracy, murder and crevats- this ripping yarn has it all!  And as a nautical chap myself it struck a real chord with me.

Another cracking tale by Mssr Green which I most thoroughly enjoyed, leaving me again wondering why it has taken me this long to read it.  Then again, it means I can read them all in double quicktime without having to wait for the next release! Tally-Bally ho I say, as I recharge my snifter and eagerly reach for the next installment in the Quicksilver series, Human Nature.


legatus hedlius said...

Never heard of this author it sounds like just my thing!

Paul O'G said...

You MUST check him out, I regret not doing so earlier. He is now my favourite non-period VSF author.

An exploration of debauchery, vice and other reasons to be a man!

An exploration of debauchery, vice and other reasons to be a man!