Sunday, 30 April 2006

Excitement, Adventure, and Tea at Four

Thats the motto of the splendid bunch of chaps at NAGS - the National Archeological Geographic and Submarine Society. Their Society Diary has a bunch of great information there about Victorian weird science, adventurous lads and high adventure. Check it out!

Saturday, 29 April 2006

Postcard from Paris!

Our good chum Vanvlak is deployed with his Regiment overseas at the moment, but this postcard arrived telling of his misadventures on leave amongst the saucy dancing shows and vast quantities of quality red wine in that gay capital.

At least we think thats what it says - we cant read a word on it! Next time, try to remember not to drink the Hotel lobby bar dry before you write to your chums V!

Chin-chin Old Boy - enjoy your leave!

Friday, 28 April 2006

Turks raid Island in the Med

New World newspapers report that a Turkish Aero-Fleet, supported by an Argentian Squadron, conducted saturation bombing raids last week on an obscure Mediterranean Island defended by the Piratical Captain Nemo and a mad Scientist!

This picture shows the fleets closing before the clash. No other imgery survived the encoutner (click for bigger image).

Indications are that heavy damage was sustained on the island, but that many of the Turkish vessels did not survive to see home port again. There has been no confirmation of Civilian casualties.

Read more about this strange encounter here:

Thursday, 27 April 2006


Diplodicus Galumphant!!

HM Land Ironclads Stride Majestically Across Africa's Burning Sands!!

With purposeful strides and with armour that is all but impervious to enemy fire, the Land Ironclads of Her Majesty's newly formed armoured cavalry regiments show what they are made of. With guns blazing and flags streaming in the desert breeze, these metal machines of destruction strike terror in all whom oppose the subjects of the Empire. Travelling at speeds in excess of fifteen miles an hour these fearful weapons can strike hard and quickly; overwhelming the opposition with consumate ease. With four regiments of these leviathans deployed in the Sudan area any self styled 'Mullah' had best beware - the reach and power of Her Majesty's forces can now extend to even the most inaccessible and inhospitable areas with ease.

It is to be hoped that the forces of the Sublime Porte and their Hun advisors have taken note of these deployments and will therefore desist from their nefarious activities against our gallant allies - the Bedouin Tribes of Arabia.

British Walkers ready to deploy

Fresh from OGREFENCER's VSF Factorium, come the first of the British Walkers destined for future service in foreign lands in the suppression the recent Arab revolt (click for larger pics).

These walking ironclads come in two variants - a light scout variant and a heavier and more well armoured version, with 2 and 4 legs respectively.

Modelling Notes: All the models began life as Irregular Miniatures 2mm Sci Fi walkers with extra VSF fittings in the shape of plastic funnels and military masts - plastic rod and Battlefleet Gothic spares respectively, and extra gun batteries and flags courtesy of Brigade models. The bases are from Essex Miniatures, coated with PVA and sand. All painted and assembled by Ogrefencer.

Wednesday, 26 April 2006

New Dig Squadron takes to the Skies!

The long rumoured formation of the Luftschiffewaffe's 7th Zeppelin Flotilla was confirmed this week when they conducted their first series of aerial manoeuvres over Hamburg this week (click for bigger pics)

Several of the smaller dirigibles that comprise the 7th Flotilla are fresh from the builder's yards, while others have been reassigned. The Flotilla's veteran flagship, the mammoth Dig-battleship Frederick der Grosse, is one such example, having been withdrawn from the Baltic Reserve for refitting last year.

She is supported in the main battle line by the Zeppellin Cruisers Munchen, of the Royal of Bavarian Aero-Korps, and the Trident, recently reassigned from the Nacht Vitch (Night Witch) Raider Squadron and has yet to be repainted in more traditional colours.

In keeping with Luftschiffewaffe escort doctrine, the Flotilla is well supported by light elements. Amongst the lighter Zeppelin Squadrons are a pair of Dirigible-Destroyers, the Adler and the Falke (from the Kingdom of Württemberg)

A Light Zeppelin Squadron is assigned, though it is is still short a unit for a total of 5 Zeppelin-Frigates.

Two flights of the new winged Dig gunboats have also been assigned to the 7th to provide it with a precision bombing capability in support of the land army. The success of these new methods has still yet to be validated against an enemy field army.

The Luftschiffewaffe High Command has announced that the 7th Flotilla will undergo further field training and working-up exercises before being declared operational and assigned to Strategic Reserve later this Summer


Modeling Notes: All miniatures produced and supplied by Brigade Models, and painted by me. WW1 German decals by Skytrex. 2mm terrain features by Irregular Miniatures, home made hills, ground mat by GW

Monday, 24 April 2006

Lest We Forget

Today, 25th April, is ANZAC Day
For those who Serve, those who have Served, and those still on Patrol:

Ode to the Fallen

They went with songs to the battle, they were young,
Straight of limb, true of eyes, steady and aglow,
They were staunch to the end against odds uncounted,
They fell with their faces to the foe.

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.

Sunday, 23 April 2006

Leviathan Photos Hit the Newstand!

Hi Everyone,

Ace reporter, Maksim-Smelchak, reporting from the Commonwealth of Australia...

A recent military exhibition has had photos released for public consumption.

Find them here:

Signing out...


Saturday, 22 April 2006

Smashing Tattoo!

I was fortunate to receive an invitation to the ANZAC tattoo last night and had a smashing time.
Features included the Grenadier Guards Band, the Band of the Royal Marines, the Royal New Zealand Army Band, Tonga Army Band plus Zulu War dancers, precision drill teams, highland bands and Gaelic dancers!

Needless to say, there were feathery hats, bearskins, pith helmets, gold lacing, hungarian knots and tassles aplenty!

And the lads did indeed look splendid and did their countries proud!

Long Live the Queen!

Friday, 21 April 2006

Leviathan Gaming "Centennial" Comes to Oz!

Hello Everyone,

Ace reporter Maksim-Smelchak on the scene again in the land down under...

Recently events from the nefarious TMP Agency have indicated that the Leviathan Gaming "Centennial" will be coming to the Australian Commonwealth.

Inquiring minds would like to know whether this is a "Real" visit or some sort of fiendish plot by a dastardly organization... possibly to rule or even destroy the world?

Company head, Lord William, known colloquially as Bill, the "Editor!," declined to comment. Oh, forsooth...

More information may be found at the TMP Press boards here:

And more information about gaming in the Australian Commonwealth here:

Also, check out the Anzac Military Tattoo tonight:

Ace reporter Maksim-Smelchak signing out...


Thursday, 20 April 2006

Argentinian Squadron goodwill visit

The Argentinian 'Independencia Squadron' has conducted a highly sucessful goodwill visit to Port Jackson in the new South Wales Colony. The obligatory cocktail parties, polo and cricket matches ensured the tourists enjoyed their stay, as well as some mock battles and training exercises over the city.

Commodore Francisco, the Task Group Commander, paid Official calls on the Governor, and the Port Admiral (in addition, it is rumoured, to some seedy backstreet establishments popular with sailors). He was glowing in his praise for the sucess of his visit and he expressed his hope that a second Argentinian fleet, the 'Escuadron Libertad' would be able to repeat the visit later this year.
These lovely Nefs are the product of Francisco's workbench. Incredibly, though he is a long time wargamer he has only just begun to paint and he has been swinging a brush for less than a year. Makes it even more impressive eh? You can see the rest of his Fleet arrayed here:

Thanks Francisco - help yourself to a snifter!

Wednesday, 19 April 2006

New Lithography

Had one of those decorator Chaps come in to spruce up the mess a bit after that llast campaign and all tht uncivilised dust. I really like the lithography he hung up at the top of this Blog - it gives one something to contemplate while drinking a soothing Pink Gin!

Thanks very much to Zophiel, who whipped up this great graphic for me.

Tuesday, 18 April 2006

Dig construction park located...

Spies have reported that deep within the southern forests of Bavaria, theose crafty Germans have built a new construction facility. Luckily for the rest of the free world, this facility seems focused on lower capability Dirigibles, presumably due to a lack of sufficient R-Matter for higher performance Aeronefs.

No doubt the products of this factorium will soom be roaming the skies. Let us hope that the Kaiser will use them wisely rather than to further his evident Imperial ambitions...

But can a man with facial hair such as this be trusted?
Only time will tell!

Monday, 17 April 2006

New Dig bombers in Easter Offensive!

Reports from the Eastern front confirm the use of new winged Dirigible bombers by the Prussian II Corps in supressing rebel positions in the recent uprising in Bohemia.

The Germans have allegedly put such forces under direct control of the Army Commander. While this may leave these units more vulnerable to marauding enemy aero-fleets, it improves targeting and reduces response times.

Dig modes by Brigade (VAN-302 Seydlitz Class Winged Dig Gunboat), decals by Skytrex, and painted by me - which break a 1 month spell of no new VSF figs (for lots of good reasons) - Huzzah! Time for a large Brandy indeed.

Sunday, 16 April 2006

Aero-Fleets Clash!

Reports have just been recieved of a battle between long time rivals Turkey and Russia. Unexpectedly in this instance though, the Argentinians were allied with the Russians, but failed to halt the tide of the Turkish Heavy Squadrons.

You can read more in the London Gazette (obviously) and here:
(No - I wasnt involved but as you can see, there are some lovely pics there well worth checking out!)

New Nef Manufactorium Goes Up Near Those Damned Rebel States!

Hi Everyone,

This is international correspondent Maksim-Smelchak reporting on location from the United States...

Just recently, a new Nef Manufactorium is beleived to have been erected somewhere in the United States. US Government Officials still haven't divulged the exact geographical location of the manufactorium, but it is beleived to be located somewhere on the Northeastern seaboard... probably not too far from where that overgrown primate, King Kong, eighth wonder of the world, recently rampaged.

It is not known at this time how this new Nef manufacturing capability will affect the balance of arms in Europe and Pacifica. Look for more news on that later from Sir Tas...

This is ace international reporter Maksim-Smelchak signing out...

Chag Sameach and Shalom,


P.S. Happy Easter Sunday to our Christian friends!

Saturday, 15 April 2006

Aerial Fortress!

I met an interesting chap in the mess (called Bernard) who invited me to accompany him on an inspection of the aerial forts currently deployed around Spithead and the Fleet anchorage. Marvellous contraptions those! Certainly enough to give Jerry or the Frogs a bit of 'what for' should they ever poke their weasley snouts accross the Channel!

Mateen posted this fantastic CGI over at the Brigade Forums (click for a larger image) and kindly allowed me to post the image here. You can see more of his fantastic Steampunk CGIs here:

The cgi model he made is based on the Aeronef Aerial Battery model Brigade is developing in a series of aerial forts and redoubts - I cant wait to see them in production. You can see them in the design pages here:

Friday, 14 April 2006

Photos from Lieutenant Blease

Lieutenant Steve Blease, of the famed Wessex Regiment, has sent me marvellous pics from his recent adventures! First up some Frenchies - Orne Aeronefs fly over a Blockhaus Roulant squadron while on manoeuvres:

Next up, some of Her Majesty's stout lads in action and on the parade ground!

Thanks for the stills Mr Blease!

Steve has used Irregular figs for the troops, the Ornes are made by Wessex

Saturday, 8 April 2006

Nefs over Malta!

Here is a top-hole picture of the Fleet anchorage by that smashing chap John Vanmullikan when his Regiment passed through Valetta last year (click for a larger version)

And he is as handy with a Brandy balloon as he is with a drawing pallet!

Friday, 7 April 2006

Why I play VSF Games:

Thanks to Larry Leadhead!
If you havent met him, you are really missing out!

Wednesday, 5 April 2006

GnTs and Production

Well the factorium is a hive of activity once more as promised!

Dash it all though, my box brown has packed it in (must have been that blasted donkey ride through the HinduKush) and I'll have to get a replacement. I must ask my sister to send another from London. She can send it with my new Mess Jacket after the last one got burnt doing the 'dance of the flamers'...

Anyhow, while I work on the latest creations, I thought I would share my thoughts on how to make the 'perfect' Gin and Tonic!

At the end of a long hot day one needs a G&T to restore a positive outlook on life. Of course, one should have the mess steward fetch it for you, but a gentlemen must know how to provide for himself and his guests in a emergency.

1. Pour the gin into a highball glass filled with ice. A crystal glass most assuredly improves the taste

2. Add the Gin. This is the element that requires extensive research. My personal favourite is Bombay Sapphire which has an herbaceous and complex flavour but I would encourage you to sample as many types as possible. Just like a good scotch or wine there are many flavour combinations. Gordons is really light and crisp, it isn’t very complex or herbaceous. Tanqueray is quite lemony and a bit sharper and more bitter. Plymouth Gin is full bodies with strong juniper overtones. The amount required traditionally is 30ml but I have found that it sometimes depends on how much positive outlook you require. Once again this also takes some research to get it right .

3. Garnish with a slice of lemon lime to finish it off, I prefer lime with my Bombay gin but if I can’t get it then lemon. I use lemon with Tanqueray or Gordons.

4. The correct proportion is one measure of gin and two of tonic. Again, significant research is required.

5. Use fresh tonic water from a small bottle or can. Do yourself a favour and don’t get the diet style, after all this is for medicinal purposes

6. Take your refreshment out to the porch and consume till your positive outlook on life has been restored.

Coming Soon: The Tsar's Terror Tower!

Saturday, 1 April 2006

Shrewd, Petty and Evil!

Yes yes, I know I've not managed to do this week's modelling quota and you'll be uninterested in the legitimate reasons why. To distract you, check out this interesting survey:

Those that know me wont be suprised to find out I'm a d4:

"You are a four-sided die, a d4. Otherwise known as a tetrahedron, a "Caltrop", or (to a lesser degree) "Ol' Pointy". This crap bores you, so I'll get to the point. Others tend to see you as petty, conniving, manipulative, argumentative, defensive, greedy, and needlessly antagonistic. You see yourself as focused, effective, efficient, influencing, shrewd, tactical, and direct. Both points of view are in fact correct. You always know the best way to get things done, a fact that never wins sympathy with others. Whenever you manage to gain control of a situation, your solutions are swift and brutal. Unfortunately everyone else is convinced that granting you such power is, "a bad thing" and often conspire to keep it out of your hands. Such short-sighted fools!"

An exploration of debauchery, vice and other reasons to be a man!

An exploration of debauchery, vice and other reasons to be a man!