Saturday, 10 November 2007

Pinging the Nautilus hunter...

Wizkids Games makes a very clever "constructible" card game under the name "Pirates." They have released ten sets but the best of them must undeniably be "Pirates of the Mysterious Islands" — as it contains the most famous Nautilus.

For those of you who may yet be unfamiliar with the game — the purchasing strategy of a box of 36 booster packs will gather most of the ships, crew, and treasure that constitute any given expansion. In a quest for the Nautilus, which is a rare card, I've bought two such boxes but was not rewarded with the sought submarine.

It becomes more cost-effective at that point to resort to eBay for filling in the holes of one's collection. I did not honestly expect to find Nemo's vessel and was pleasantly surprised to be proven incorrect.

But I'm aware that Tas is hunting the submarine as well. The seller was offering TWO! I wonder if I can rely on the post to get it to the antipodes before the close of the year.

An exploration of debauchery, vice and other reasons to be a man!

An exploration of debauchery, vice and other reasons to be a man!