Monday, 28 September 2009

General Staff expands

Yours in a White Wine Sauce to proud to welcome our newest contributor, Steelonsand, who is renowned for his recent work on the Turkish Aquanef Osman Pasha and who has earlier this year been involved in chronicling Weird WW1 (whatever that means!).

The General Staff has tipped him as one to watch, especially for his trademark and novel use of the eye drop pipette in modelling. A link to his blog now appears on the left hand frame under "Member Blogs".

So Huzzah and welcome to the mess Steelonsand.
The first round of drinks is on us!

And while we are at it, a bumper round of port and cigars for all in celebration of Mssr Ogrefencer's birthday! Many happy returns old Boy!!!

An exploration of debauchery, vice and other reasons to be a man!

An exploration of debauchery, vice and other reasons to be a man!