Wednesday, 17 January 2007

Oxygen for Aeronaughts!

I saw this in the latest Gazette and thought that Aerostat and Dig crews would find this very useful...
2006 Darwin Awards #2 - (3 June 2006, Florida) The feet of Jason and Sara, both 21, were found protruding from a deflated, huge helium advertising balloon.

Jason was a college student, and Sara attended community college, but apparently their education had glossed over the importance of oxygen.

The pair pulled down the 8' balloon, and climbed inside. Their last words consisted of high-pitched, incoherent giggling as they slowly passed out and passed into the hereafter. Sheriff's deputies said the two were not victims of foul play. No drugs or alcohol were found. The medical examiner reported that helium inhalation was a significant factor in their deaths.
Aeronaughts be warned!


Daniel said...

OK, now this sounds too funny to be real. What dorks not to understand what they were doing.



Paul O'G said...

Thats why they are called the Darwin awards, after Charles Darwin (not the City of Darwin in Australia!) - awards for the best efforts to remove ones self from the genepool.

Its been going for years - check it out for some great laughts and total amazement at how uncommon Common Sense really can be! :-D

Daniel said...

Oh I know what the Darwin Awards are, just this one was so funny it just seemed too funny to be real.

Can you imagine calling their folks to tell them? Hi your son died from a lack of Oxygen......


An exploration of debauchery, vice and other reasons to be a man!

An exploration of debauchery, vice and other reasons to be a man!