Whats the humdrum about Chaps? Adventures into Victorian Science Fiction and Steampunk with ramblings about Aeronefs, Dirigibles, Land Ironclads, Anarchists, Dinosaur Hunting, Terranefs, Aquanefs, Mad Scientists, and all manner of electric contraptions and steam conveyances. It may not make sense, but there will be claret and a nice cheese board at the end. Tally-Ho and "Vôtre dans une sauce au vin blanc!"
Thursday, 20 September 2007
Returning to the Piscine of the Crime...
I wasn't entirely happy with the recent illustration of the Nautilus. Tonight, inspired by a picture of a rabbit fish washed ashore by a recent tsunami, I created a new view of the main deck.
I like this one a bit more than the first, the central corridor makes more sense to me.
I do too, and central corridors are much more in with naval deisgn too.
And the scuttles (known by land-lubbers ad portholes) are in the right compartment now as described in the book
The center rooms have to be corrected for length in this update, but...
Just in case that's not entirely visible (for it isn't on my screen) cut and paste this as one address:
I really like the way the 3 deck levels arent just stacked but interleaved. Very nice
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