Right then Chaps, what wonders have I seen of late? In my travels around the Far East, the Asian subcontinent and throughout Europe I have had many adventures and one or two unfortunate infections that finally cleared up. But the important thing to any military man is to look good in front of the Men the next day and to have a nice photograph of the occaision.
Anyhow, you'll find in my photoblog album link (next post) a summary of the military marvels I've seen to date:

* Stout Chaps in Redcoats, full of zeal for Queen and Country!
* British Steam Land Ironclads, including HMLS LEVIATHAN
* Armoured Gatling Conveyances
* The dastardly Prussians, but clever in their choice of colours and one has to hand it to them for whupping those darn Frenchies a few years ago
* The amazing new Krupp Elektro-Kanone
* German Steel Cavalry Contraptions
* Large Russian machines known as the "Mishka" Class. Strange characters those Russians. Strongly smelly of onions...

There are also some very hush hush photos of some of those unsporting Martin critters and their Tripods. My those Heat-Rays did pack a wallop. Dont tell anyone youve seen them eh what? Thanks awfully.
Anyhow, have a look and we can chat after the Mess Dinner