On this weekend was
CANCON, a large gaming expo in Canberra and the largest in Oz I do believe (
Sadly my mate Owen, who had planned to come up for the weekend and the Con, had to cancel at the last minute. There is always next year though right?

I caught up with my mate
Nic from Eureka miniatures, whom I had not seen for about two years and who furnished me with a nice box of lead goodies (including more 2mm infantry for Land Ironclads and some 15mm Dino and Mammoth Hunters!). Good to see you again mate.
Nic also introduced me to a nice fellow named K
arsten, who had seen White Wine Sauce and had some very nice things to say about this place and the things we post here - most kind of you that was too Sir! (Interestingly, he found this place through your "Hobby Shed" blog Patrick).
Karsten has a Germanic bent for his VSF forces and is starting his own
VSF campaign soon using GASLIGHT. I look forward to seeing his campaign diary and the
hi-jinks that will inevitably occur.
It was a pleasure you meet you
Karsten, I only regret we
didn't have more time to chat. I hope you will drop in often and leave us some messages.
I also caught up with Jerry of Castaway Arts (
http://www.castawayarts.com.au/) who had travelled all the way down from Cairns. I
hadn't met Jerry before but had ordered some of his very nice Gladiators many years ago when his company was new. Luckily for me, he was selling the Anniversary edition of The Sword and the Flame, which I have always been a fan of but
haven't played for about 15 years. Armed with that and the French Foreign Legion supplement ("The Sword in North Africa"), I think the sands of Mars are that little bit closer!
Apart from that my son loved playing a demo game of Pirates! (and then spent his pocket money on some packets of cards) and we had a good old
shoofty around tables, the great scenery and of course the bizarres to pick up a few other trinkets along the way.
Overall, a great day out, good to see an old friend, make new ones and pick up some goodies as well. Huzzah!